
Terms of Reference

The individuals that make up our committees are tireless individuals who are committed to the Canadian Dam Association’s mission and goals and advancing the exchange of knowledge in the dam industry. To learn more about the CDA committees, please download the document below containing the Terms of Reference for all committees.  

CDA Committee Terms of Reference

Volunteering with CDA

The CDA committees are always looking for individuals who are willing to contribute their time and knowledge.  Please review our committee descriptions and Terms of Reference above.  Indicate your area(s) of volunteer interest in an email to along with your completed application form.

Volunteer Application Form

List of Committees

Committees play a vital role in the CDA.  In addition to both standing and technical committees as well as the board of directors ensuring the good governance of the association, there are conference organizing committees for the annual conferences. 

Standing Committees
Technical Committees

Dam Safety Committee  Jarrod Malenchak, Ontario Power Generation

Mining Dams Committee  Scott Martens, Canadian National Resources Ltd.

International Committee – Marc Smith, WSP Canada

Regulation of Dams Committee – Elizabeth Smith, Agriculture & Irrigation

Conference Organizing Committees