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March 24, 2014 - Public Safety around Dams

Presentation at National Dam Safety Technical Seminar 21

Tony Bennett made a presentation on the Canadian Dam Association, with a focus on Guidelines for Public Safety Around Dams and the associated workshop, at a FEMA-sponsored seminar in Emmitsburg MD.

February 24, 2014 - Dam Safety Committee

Publication on numerical analysis of dams

Final Proceedings of the ICOLD 12th International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams are available for download on the ATCOLD website.

January 28, 2014 - Emergency Management

Terms of Reference and Work Plan Posted

See lower right of webpage under "Reference Files."

December 13, 2013 - Dam Safety Committee

Recommandations en francais - Guidelines in French

La revision 2013 des Recommandations de Sécurité des Barrages 2007 est maintenant disponible gratuitement pour les membres de l'ACB. Le fichier PDF est téléchargeable à partir du lien "Reference Files" en bas à droite.

November 27, 2013 - Dam Safety Committee

ASDSO YouTube Channel

The Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) has a new YouTube channel with over 20 videos on dam safety. Click "read more" to find the link.

October 3, 2013 - Updates for Members

Meeting in September 2013

The Public Safety Working Group has now delivered the two-day Workshop six times across Canada, in English and French. The Working Group provides a network for dam professionals who address public safety issues on an ongoing basis.

October 3, 2013 - Dam Safety Reviews

Dam Safety Review Bulletin in Development

A Working Group of the CDA Dam Safety Committee is developing a CDA Bulletin on Dam Safety Reviews. Several presentations are provided as links (to the right of this page) summarizing progress to date. It is expected that a publication will be ready

October 3, 2013 - ICOLD

CDA at ICOLD 2013

Canadian members of CDA were active at the Annual Meeting and Symposium of ICOLD, held in Seattle USA from August 12-16, 2013. Andy Zielinski of Canada was elected as ICOLD Vice President Sixth Post for a three-year term.

October 1, 2013 - Dam Safety Committee

Dam Safety Committee Update

The CDA Dam Safety Committee was very busy in the 2012-2013 year, including three in-person meetings. Highlights include the following.

October 1, 2013 - Dam Safety Reviews

APEGBC Professional Practice Guidelines

In July 2013, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia issued Professional Practice Guidelines - Legislated Dam Safety Reviews in BC. CDA members were involved in the development of these guidelines.