International Activities

CDA’s International Committee oversees all aspects of CDA’s international strategy and engagement, including ICOLD membership, agreements with national committees of ICOLD, international business development program and other international activities. CDA has established memoranda of understanding with several other countries, agreeing to technical cooperation and exchange.

To read CDA's International Strategy: Knowledge Transfer and Business Development please click here

For information about CDA Dam Safety Workshops that can be delivered internationally, please click here.

International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)

CDA’s international activities are mainly focused around membership in the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD). For further information and details about CDA’s participation in ICOLD Committees and events, please click here.

International Business Development (IBD)

CDA has embarked on activities to strengthen the ability of Canadian companies in the dam industry to compete internationally. This includes participation in a program of Global Affairs Canada that assists industry associations to promote the expertise, services and products of Canadian companies in international markets. For information on these International Business Development (IBD) activities, please click here.

International Committee

CDA’s International Committee oversees CDA’s international activities including membership in the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), agreements with other countries, and international business development for Canadian companies. For more information about the committee, please click here.

To read the committee's Terms of Reference, you can download it below. 

Terms of Reference


Please visit the International Committee webpage to see the list of the volunteers.

International Committee