Engineer of Record

USSD Conference Presentation - April 24, 2024

Discussion of the webinar presentation Engineer of Record.

Description: This presentation discussed the EOR Terms of Reference (TOR) and provided an outline for a TOR. Real life examples are provided of situations that could benefit from a well considered TOR.

Objectives: Demonstrating the value of a comprehensive and detailed TOR for EOR services.

Tailings and Mine Waste Conference In Conference Session - November 9, 2022

Discussion of the webinar presentation Engineer of Record.

Description: This workshop provided an overview a proposed framework for a terms of reference for an EoR assignment. This is a continuation of the webinars and workshops offered through a joint effort of USSD and Canadian Dam Association (CDA).

Objectives: Provide a proposed framework for terms of reference and obtain input from the attendees of the session.

USSD Conference Workshop - April 14, 2022

Discussion of the webinar presentation Engineer of Record.

Description: This workshop provided an overview of what would be required to establish a successful EoR relationship with an Owner. This is a continuation of the webinars and workshops offered through a joint effort of USSD and Canadian Dam Association (CDA).

Objectives: Share case studies and advice on how to develop a successful EoR relationship including technical and soft skills.

CDA Conference Workshop October 26, 2021

Discussion of the conference workshop Engineer of Record

About the Workshop

The workshop was an extension to the presentation by the USSD and CDA in December 2020 that provided an overview of the EOR and was followed by another workshop on governance to be held as part of Tailings and Mine Waste on November 6, 2021.

The workshop described different dam safety governance models with examples from different companies and showed how the EOR fits within the different models. Benefits and challenges with the different models were identified and there was an opportunity for the audience to ask questions to the speakers and to a panel.

Attendees gained an understanding of how the EOR can fit into different dam safety governance models, and what other key roles were required for the entire system to function. Attendees also gained an understanding of pros and cons of different models and what to look out for to make an EOR assignment successful for the Owner, EOR, Regulators and ultimately the Community.

Webinar December 15, 2020

Discussion of the webinar PowerPoint presentation Engineer of Record.

Description: This webinar provided an introduction and overview of the EOR concept. It was the first of a series of webinars about the EOR through a joint effort of USSD and Canadian Dam Association (CDA).

Objectives: This webinar provided an overview and history of the Engineer of Record role for Tailings Dams. The importance of maintaining an engineer of record and their responsibilities was explained with consideration to recently promulgated requirements and guidance. The expectations of the engineer of record and the owner were discussed, referencing industry guidance from the Global Industry Standard on Tailings, ICMM, Mining Association of Canada, the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) and Geoprofessionals Business Association (GBA).