Conference Assets
We welcome you to use any of the assets below in your emails, social media posts, and even email blasts.
*Right click on image to "save image as..."
Conference Banner
ie. Word Docs, PPT Presentations, etc

Email Signature
ie. Add to your email signature to help encourage others and create awareness

Exhibitor Graphic
*Add your logo on the white space
ie. Social Media posts, Email Blasts, etc.

Presenter Graphic
ie. Social Media posts, Email Blasts, etc.

How to add Images to your email signature
Mac OS X Mail
- Select Mail | Preferences... from the menu.
- Go to the Signatures tab.
- Highlight the signature you want to edit or create a new one.
- To include an image with your signature, simply drag and drop it to the desired location in the signature. Highlight the image, select edit link, paste the, and select OK.
- When sending new emails, select your updated signature from the drop down on the top right.
Windows Live Mail or Outlook Express Signature
To include an image inline in a message sent from Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail or Outlook Express:
- Start with an empty message using rich HTML formatting in Windows Mail or Outlook Express.
- Design your signature using the formatting tools.
- Insert the picture or animation where desired.
- Go to the Source tab.
- Highlight the code between <BODY> and</BODY>.
- Select Edit | Copy from the menu.
- Open Notepad or any other text editor.
- Select Edit | Paste from the menu.
- Use File | Save to save the signature to a file called "signature.html" in your My Documents folder.
- Select Tools | Options... from the menu in Windows Mail or Outlook Express.
- Go to the Signatures tab.
- Click New.
- Make sure File is selected under Edit Signature.
- Use the Browse... button to open the "signature.html" file just created.
- Click OK.
- Test your new signature.