
January 3, 2020 - Updates for Members

Ontario proposing alternate rules for repair of wetland dams

Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has published a proposal on the Environmental Registry of Ontario for comment. Ontario is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 454/96 (Construction) under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act. If passed, this amendment would provide an alternative, optional rules in regulation approach to wetland dam owners to repair existing wetland dams.

The proposed amendment would reduce regulatory burden to owners of low hazard wetland dams, while supporting the continued management of Ontario’s wetlands. It would provide dam owners with the opportunity of increased project planning certainty, while maintaining or enhancing provincial interests in public safety, dam safety and environmental considerations. Dam owners could reinvest their cost savings in dam safety and wetland management. If passed, the proposed amendment would incentivize owners of wetland dams to complete a hazard potential classification of their dams, which advances Ontario’s broader interests in dam safety and public safety.

For more details on the proposal, please visit the Environmental Registry of Ontario at the following link:  If you have any questions or require more information, you can contact Ken Cain, Manager, Crown Lands Section, MNRF at (705) 875-5389.