CDA is pleased to announce the second technical presentation in its 2020-2021 Webinar Series will be held on Tuesday, November 17 at 1 p.m. EST. Manitoba will be hosting this webinar, entitled, Keeyask Generating Station – Embankment Dams – Bedrock Foundation Preparation and Grouting. This presentation will be in English.
Webinars are free for members and non-members – all you have to do is register!
Keeyask is a 695 MW hydroelectric generating station located on the Nelson River in northern Manitoba approximately 730 km north of Winnipeg. Approximately 2.4 km of earthfill embankment dams were constructed for the project. These dams are founded on a highly variable bedrock surface, that ranges from competent bedrock to highlyfractured and fault-affected bedrock, which required extensive dental concrete and foundation grouting prior to placing earthfill materials. This webinar summarizes the construction methods and treatments used to address the various bedrock foundation conditions, and discusses overburden excavation, bedrock excavation, foundation cleaning, dental concrete, and grout curtain construction. Methods for bedrock foundation preparation and treatment under winter conditions are also discussed.
Upcoming Webinars
Host Region: Manitoba
November 17, 2020 – click here to register for Keeyask Generating Station – Embankment Dams – Bedrock Foundation Preparation and Grouting
Host Region: Newfoundland and Labrador
December 2020 – more details coming soon
Host Region: Ontario
January 2021 – more details coming soon
Host Region: Saskatchewan
February 2021 – more details coming soon
Check the CDA website regularly for updates and to register for any of the webinars.
Previous Webinars
Host Region: British Columbia and the Territories
October 26, 2020: Practical advances in the geological characterization and numerical analysis of existing concrete dams
If you missed the first technical presentation in the 2020-2021 Webinar Series by Andrew Bayliss of Stantec you can watch it by clicking here. (This presentation was in English.)
2020-2021 Webinar Series Sponsors
CDA thanks the following organizations for their generous support of the 2020-2021 Webinar Series:
Klohn Crippen Berger
Knight Piésold
Ontario Power Generation
Barr Engineering
KGS Group
Kryton International