
March 3, 2020 - Updates for Members

CDA Guidance Documents online for members

Individuals and organizations have been able to purchase CDA guidance documents either in print or PDF format from the CDA Shop for years.  CDA is pleased to announce that it has made its guidance documents available online for free to members in good standing.  These documents cannot be downloaded but are fully searchable and can be read online at any time.

Members and non-members can continue to purchase print or PDF versions through the CDA Shop (member and non-member pricing applies) should they wish to have a hard copy version or to be able to print pages from their PDF versions.

CDA Guidance Documents
CDA Dam Safety Guidelines (2013) - English and French
CDA Technical Bulletins: Dam Safety (2007) – English
CDA Guidelines for Public Safety Around Dams (2011) - English and French
CDA Technical Bulletin: Application of Dam Safety Guidelines to Mining Dams (2019) - English and French
CDA Technical Bulletin: Dam Safety Reviews (2016) - English, French and Spanish

Not all titles are currently available in the online library. We encourage members to check back regularly for all titles/languages.

How to access the documents
Members in good standing should login to their profiles on the CDA website and click on this link

If you are unable to access the link, it likely means your membership has lapsed.  Please check your profile under “my participation” to see if you have an outstanding membership invoice.  If you believe your membership is up-to-date and you are unable to access the members only section, please contact Saskia at with any questions.  

Not a member?
Not a member of CDA, but now want to join so you have access to the online guidance documents?  Simply login to your profile and go to the CDA Shop and purchase an individual membership for $90.  Membership is valid until June 30, 2020.