Engineering Institute of Canada
CDA is a member society of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), the umbrella organization for Canadian engineering societies with particular focus on development and promotion of engineering careers and professional development. The vision of the EIC is “Engineering for a prosperous, safe and sustainable Canada”. The mission of the EIC is to:
- Develop and promote continuing education.
- Initiate and facilitate interdisciplinary activities and services.
- Lead member societies in defining and building the future of engineering.
- Advocate the values and benefits of engineering.
EIC 2021 Annual Report
Cooperative agreements with national and international organizations
- Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS)
- Ontario Waterpower Association (OWA)
- Internation Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)
- Malaysian Commission on Large Dams (MYCOLD)
- Nigerian Commission on Large Dams (NICOLD)
- United States Society on Dams (USSD)
- Korean National Committee on Large Dams (KNCOLD)
- Comite Brasileiro de Barragens (CBDB), Comite Nacional Chileno de Grandes Presas (ICOLD Chile), Comite Peruano de Grandes Presas (COPEGP) and South African National Committee on Large Dams (SANCOLD) for cooperation in the field of Dam safety applied to Tailings Dams