
CDA does not use a Housing Agency. Any solicitation calls or emails are scams! Here are the 3 hotels with CDA special rates:


Hilton Niagara Falls/Fallsview Hotel & Suites

6361 Fallsview Blvd, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 3V9

Average Room Rate: $269/night

Hilton Niagara Booking Link  Group Rate Ends September 5

Embassy Suites

6700 Fallsview Blvd. Niagara Falls, Ontario CANADA L2G 3W6

Guestroom rate includes complimentary breakfast buffet each morning, 2 complementary drink tickets per 
suite, per night for nightly evening reception, and complimentary Wi-Fi per suite, per night.

Rates average $370/night  - Group Rate Ends August 27th



Host - Niagara Falls Marriott on the Falls - Only availability Sunday - Tuesday

CDA Booking Link 

6755 Fallsview Boulevard Niagara Falls, Ontario L2G 3W7


Radisson Hotel & Suites Fallsview, ON - SOLD OUT

6733 Fallsview Boulevard, Niagara Falls, ON, L2G3W7

Book here: