April 25, 2024

2024-04-25 12:00 PM 2024-04-25 01:00 PM Le RDV Franco - Surveillance des barrages en Suisse N.A. America/New_York
12:00pm to 1:00pm ET

Most Swiss dams were built between the 1950s and 1970s for the purpose of electricity generation. Their behavior is monitored by a surveillance organization defined by the Dam Ordinance. The four levels of surveillance consist of dam operator, a qualified professional, two experienced experts in the fields of civil engineering and geology, and the dam section of the federal energy office. As part of the presentation, various case studies highlight the operation of this surveillance organization from the perspective of an N2 engineer (qualified professional) working for a dam owner.


Nicolas J. Adam

Nicolas J. Adam graduated in Civil Engineering from the University of Liège, Belgium, in 2013. He worked for the Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions for 4 years and obtained his PhD on the topic of hydraulic behavior of orifices in conduits in 2017 from the EPFL. He joined the Hydro Power Generation of Alpiq in 2018 and is working as civil engineer for the dam safety, the inflow forecasting and for different projects such as hydropeaking mitigation or floating solar plant on dam reservoir.

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About le RDV Franco

Le Rendez-Vous du Comité Francophone de l'ACB is a periodic event (virtual and/or face-to-face) during which members of the committee receive a variety of presenters and guests to address and discuss various topics related to dams. 

More informal and interactive than traditional webinars, this activity sometimes takes the form of a presentation, sometimes a discussion, and sometimes both.