October 19, 2023

2023-10-19 12:00 PM 2023-10-19 01:30 PM Le RDV Franco - Modifications récentes de la Loi et du Règlement sur la sécurité des barrages au Québec N.A. America/New_York
12pm to 1pm ET

Presented in French 

In the province of Quebec, the Direction de la sécurité des barrages (DSB) is the department at the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) which is in charge of the administration of the Dam Safety Act and Regulation. The provisions of the Dam safety Act and Regulation came into force in 2002. The purpose of this law is to increase the safety of dams subject to it and, consequently, to protect people and property against the risks associated with the presence of these structures. Recently, the Dam Safety Act and its Regulation were optimized. The amendments are aimed in particular to upgrade and strengthen the enforcement measures of the Act and Regulation, while further modulating the framework for dams according to the risk they represent to people and property. This webinar will cover recent amendments to the Dam Safety Act and Regulation.


Maxine Lacroix

Maxine Lacroix, geotechnical engineer, joined the Analysis and Expertise Division of the Direction de la sécurité des barrages in 2021. She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master’s degree (2015) in soil dynamics from Université Laval. Before joining the Direction de la sécurité des barrages, she acquired professional experience in private practice in the field of consulting engineering. In particular, she has carried out several geotechnical studies, as well as static and dynamic stability analysis of dikes in mine tailing facilities. She also was involved in construction work surveillance.

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About le RDV Franco

Le Rendez-Vous du Comité Francophone de l'ACB is a periodic event (virtual and/or face-to-face) during which members of the committee receive a variety of presenters and guests to address and discuss various topics related to dams. 

More informal and interactive than traditional webinars, this activity sometimes takes the form of a presentation, sometimes a discussion, and sometimes both.